I have a shipment to import Air, but because the aircraft is not enough space, my goods are split into 2 flights.....

Question: I have a shipment to import Air, but because the aircraft is not enough space, my goods are split into 2 flights, however on AWB only shows a number of flights, so if I declare there should be noted. anything about this problem? And when I clear the goods at the TCS warehouse, do I need to pay attention to anything (because I see two flights but the same name).

All documents and documents must be unified according to AWB, Enterprises must declare according to the information in the paper (according to some flights)
However, customs practices work differently, in case the Importing Company has C / O, Businesses should ask for AIR LINE's written confirmation of this load off. Now: the name of the aircraft and the first flight number, the name of the aircraft, the second flight number. Also, confirm the following three criteria:
- Off load is necessary for good reason or due to requirements directly related to transport.
- Goods are preserved and not involved in commercial transactions or consumed during storage for export on the second flight;
- The goods have not undergone any operation other than unloading and unloading or any other operations necessary to keep the cargo in good condition.
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Phòng 01, Tầng trệt, Tòa Nhà Flora, Số 59 Đường 19, Khu Phố 2, Phường An Khánh, TP. Thủ Đức, TP.HCM
 0988 6666 87        
 info@logisticsh-a.com                        Hotline: 
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