Export of animal fats - HS CODE 1502 9090
Question:The company exports a shipment of 01 animal fat tank HS code 1502 9090. My company would like to ask the customs procedures and commodity policies of the above shipment.
Reply: Animal fat is not banned from conditional export and export as prescribed in the Government's
Decree No. 69/2018 / ND-CP of May 15, 2018, so the company can carry out export procedures. like other common goods.
- Customs procedures and documents comply with Article 16 and Article 18 of
Circular 38/2015 / TT-BTC dated 25 March 2015 of the Ministry of Finance amended and supplemented in Clauses 5 and 7, Article 1 of the
Circular. 39/2018 / TT-BTC April 20, 2018.
Before proceeding with export procedures, the Company should contact the partners of the importing country to check whether the importing country requires quality inspection to supplement the records accordingly, to avoid returning goods. after exported.
Request the company to refer to the above provisions for implementation. In case of any problems, the company is requested to contact the Customs Sub-department where the declaration is expected to be registered for specific instructions.