How did the import procedures for acquiring Vietnamese origin goods be exported?


   Imported goods are exported and originated by Vietnamese companies that have exported and paid in full according to commercial contracts. Now that the Company acquires the exported goods, it is considered as a normal sale and purchase goods under the Commercial Law. Thus, when importing the company carries out customs procedures as for imported goods trading business.

Frozen Pangasius Fille is a product on the list of goods subject to food hygiene and safety inspection, signed and quarantined according to regulations.

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Phòng 01, Tầng trệt, Tòa Nhà Flora, Số 59 Đường 19, Khu Phố 2, Phường An Khánh, TP. Thủ Đức, TP.HCM
 0988 6666 87                        Hotline: 
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0988 6666 87