Reply:According to Decision No. 51/2011 / QD-TTg dated September 12, 2011 of the Government regulating the list of facilities and equipment to be labeled with energy, applying the minimum energy efficiency and implementation schedule for round lamps (incandescent lamps) from January 1, 2013, it is forbidden to import, produce and circulate lamps with a capacity of over 60W. The incandescent light products with special technical characteristics used in a number of specialized purposes are still imported, however the differentiation of this product category is complicated and needs to be checked and verified Specific specifications
How is rice export contract done?
I am an international student in the US, after finishing the course I returned home to bring a used car for a period of 3 years, is that allowed?
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In which case does the customs declarant be allowed to carry out customs procedures for export and import goods registered once?