Reply: Pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of Circular 47/2010 / TT-BYT dated December 29, 2010 of the Ministry of Health stipulating the import of drugs with valid circulation registration numbers, the list of imported enterprises must be filed with the Save Permit product management or Decision on issuance of circulation registration numbers; documents permitting changes, additions and other corrections (if any); Accordingly: The imported Exelon Patch imported by the Company has been granted a circulation permit by the Drug Administration of Vietnam on March 4, 2014, in fact, the imported product, Exelon Patch 10, is not suitable for the saved license. onions. Therefore, the Company is requested to contact the Drug Administration of Vietnam to confirm the change of license with real imported goods. Regarding the proposal to bring goods to storage under the authority of the Sub-Department, the Company is requested to contact the Sub-Department where customs procedures are carried out for the shipment to be resolved.
Please give me a document to recognize customs clearance agency and accreditation authority?
Please guide customs procedures in the period of changing the old company name to a new name for an import license?